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SkinVive in Huntsville, AL

Enhance Skin Quality

Glowing, Revitalized, Healthy Skin

SkinVive is an injectable treatment that employs microdroplets of hyaluronic acid to enhance skin quality in the cheeks. Unlike other facial injectables that augment and enhance the treatment area, SkinVive smoothens the skin and boosts hydration, resulting in glowing, revitalized, and healthy-looking skin for patients. Patients who have received SkinVive treatment have reported high levels of satisfaction that can last up to six months. The makers of the JUVÉDERM® Collection of Fillers are responsible for bringing SkinVive to you.

SkinVive in Huntsville, AL  Huntsville

Candidates For Treatment

What is it like to be treated with SkinVive?

First, we offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your medical history and treatment goals. This helps us determine if you are a suitable candidate for treatment. Then, we examine your facial skin, take photos, and apply topical numbing cream if you are a suitable candidate. Next, we clean and prep the treatment area with an antiseptic and mark the areas to be treated. The treatment involves microdroplet injections into the treatment area, followed by gentle massage to ensure even distribution of the product. Finally, you will receive an ice pack to help minimize swelling and reduce pain.

How long does the treatment take?

The procedure generally lasts for 10-15 minutes and doesn't require much recovery time, if any. We will apply topical numbing cream in the office prior to treatment.

When will I see the results from the treatment?

You will notice results over the course of six months, with improvements in skin smoothness on the cheeks and a natural, flawless glow to your skin.

Are the results permanent?

With an optimal treatment, the results usually remain effective for six months. If you want to sustain the effects, you will require another treatment after the effects wear off. Regular retreatment can help supplement hyaluronic acid, which helps to enhance the hydration levels in your skin.

Transform Your Wellness Journey Today

At Advanced Life Clinic, we believe in the power of comprehensive wellness and harmonious aging. Our skilled professionals are ready to guide you through a personalized journey toward optimal health and rejuvenation. We invite you to experience our unique, holistic wellness and anti-aging treatment approach.

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